Physics Experiments for Kids Does light travel in a straight line?

What You Will Need:
-Flour or baking soda
-Piece of tissue paper
-Person to assist


1. Put the tissue paper down and grab your flashlight.

2. Turn on your flashlight.

3. Have your helper pour the white powder in the line of your flashlight.

4. You will see light travels in a straight line!


Physical and Chemical Reactions

What You Will Need:
-Lime juice
-Lemon juice
-Baking soda
-3 cups
-Eye droppers


1. Spread newspaper on the floor.

2. Place vinegar and baking soda in the cup and see what happens.

3. In another cup, pour baking soda and lemon juice together and see the reaction.

4. Last, mix in another empty cup the lime juice and baking soda. Note the different reactions!


With what people earn, maintain, and improve the science?

With what people earn, maintain, and improve the science? Knowledge of the rules of thinking or logic is a means to acquire, maintain, and improve the science. Thus, science not only stay in one place or in one state. Science can also be developed in accordance with the development of human thinking.

How to Get Human Sciences?

How to Get Human Sciences? Man was created by the Almighty to perfection, which is equipped with a set of sense and mind. With this is mind and mind, man is getting the science, such as social sciences, agricultural sciences, educational sciences, health sciences, and others. Reason and thought process of each knowledge is absorbed by the senses of human beings.

Why Attend Science?

Why attend science? In essence, humans have the curiosity to every thing that exists or is happening around them. Because, so many sides of life that is in question in itself. Therefore, there arose the knowledge (that one time) after going through some process of moving into a science.

Science Properties - Properties of Science - Properties in Science

From the definition of Mohammad Hatta and Harjono, we can see that the nature of science is a collection of knowledge about a certain field ...

1. Standing in a single unit,
2. Arranged systematically,
3. There is the basic justification (no explanation can be justified with the causes that includes facts and data),
4. Got the legality of that science studies or research results.
5. Communicable, knowledge can be transferred to others so that is understandable and understood its meaning.
6. Universal, science is not limited to space and time so that it can apply anywhere and anytime in the entire universe.
7th. Developing world, science should be able to encourage knowledge-pengatahuan and new discoveries. Thus, humans are able to create ideas that are more developed than before.
From the above explanation, we can see that not all knowledge of the science categorized. Therefore, the definition of knowledge itself as follows: Everything that comes as a result of sensory activities to learn, namely the unfolding of a reality into the soul, therefore, no doubt to it, while science requires further, extensive, and in the knowledge.

Definition of Science - What is Science

The definition of science is organized knowledge about the law of cause and effect work in a group of the same issues nature, both by its position (when viewed from the outside), and according to the relationship (if viewed from inside).

- Mohammed Hatta -

Definition of science can be understood as the accumulated knowledge systematized
------- One approach or method of approach to the whole world can be observed empiris.Ilmu human senses ------- One way to analyze the permit to the experts to state-a proposition in the form: "if,. .. then ... "

- Harsojo, Professor of Anthropologists, University Pajajaran -

The definition of science depends on how the senses of each individual to absorb knowledge and also how to think of each individual in the process of obtaining knowledge. Also, the definition of science can be done based on the activity of science itself. We can see it through the methods it uses.

Understanding Science

Another term that may be related

Image Science
Imaging Science. Is the science of converting light into electrons, the processing in order ...
Computer Science
A field that deepens the things related to computers: the computer. Another name for computer science ...
Computer Science Network
Abbreviated with CSNET. A network of e-mail service aimed at users who want to MEND ...
National Science Foundation
Abbreviated NSF. Funders for the formation of the major Internet backbone in the U.S..
information science
The study of how information is collected, organized, handled and distributed.

Negative Impact of Technological Progress Pattern Against Human Behaviour

Such a rapid development in recent years, making life more exciting, full of hope, containing a million promises, and challenges. Antuisme on the development and progress not only the coloring of human life today. But it is fairness, so almost be said that human beings all over the world felt he could not just be a spectator stand idly by and wait for the results to get the spray development and progress. The development is so terrible is the result of human works alone for centuries, in the sense that the occurrence of further developments and progress that this rate is not without history. Hard work of men that produced the breakthrough system that requires new life to always vying to create more than others.

However, such circumstances do not always bring bad impact versatile and reassuring. Bingarnya noisy life increasingly felt to be a challenge if not the noise.
Consequences which are real human beings today, both individually and as a human being as a whole, are challenged to define its place in the forward movement of the speed of life knows no stop let alone reverse.

Question that arises then is, ready to face the progress of mankind in this era?. For those who are morally spiritually, and physically ready, they will be able to follow the current relative, and it will make progress as a motivation to live to reach his goal.

At first glance be seen to deal with all that is necessary to balance between soul and mind, so that information can be filtered before entering the existence of the person's application. The author thought the picture above is not too far away to form the basis on issues as a stepping stone to get to the actual theme of "Crime of a Social Reality" In languages, crime comes from the word crime, which means evil. So the criminal can be defined as those who do evil. From the historical aspect of crime is, if a violation of the rules or criminal laws, and he was found guilty by a court and sentenced. In this case, if one is not convicted, it means the person is not regarded as criminals.

It's too didi we kalu mngatakan that evil deeds are born of an era of progress, there may even denied us. Yet we also can not say that the other person's opinion is too true. Because the reality that happens, the higher the level of progress that is, the higher the level of crime that occurred. Even if humans have failed in self-adjustment or do nyimpang consciously or unconsciously from the prevailing norms perbuatanya role in society and it is not justified by the public then it can also be called a crime. Even if the person is considered detrimental to the economic progress of others by imposing the interests of the community ekonominyakepada sekelilinya and regarded as a barrier to the happiness of others then it is also called the crime In the discussion this time the author took some of the cases became a tendency in some places that person be one element of criminality. For example theft and robbery, what causes it and how the criminal actions impact the community as a social as well as how to overcome.

With the status of the perfect man as a creature compared with other creatures, then the man has a tendency within Islam can be interpreted as fithroh. Man is born in a state-holy-fithroh, but fithroh can also be interpreted as the potential to do something. So if we associate with crime, theft and robbery, for good and evil can be sosiallah environment that shape the human character. From ancient times until now it turns out good and evil grow together, like the day and night, heaven and earth, male and female, good and evil is not always possible especially when we separate the individuals in the community to maintain the relative truth-felt pendapatnyalah The most true-in social interaction. It is not always good people that have never made a mistake and not always well considered evil people who do not have good qualities. From here what penilis that good and evil intentions coincided.

Meanwhile, crimes that occur in today's society is very disturbing, take examples such as theft and robbery which occurred in some areas in our country, both in small scale for individuals and groups as well as a large scale for individuals and groups.

The reason they both individually and in groups small and large scale clear varies greatly. Perhaps we've often heard or seen the news that presents the follow-crime - theft and robbery - in the newspapers and television constantly there is no stopping people to do evil.

Apasih factors that cause these crimes?. Causes of crime - theft and robbery - from the social aspect - psychology - is the endogenous and exogenous factors. Endogenous factor is the encouragement that came from herself, as already mentioned above that the author of relative truth is relative can create a stance to defend their opinion - self - or self-centered and fanatics are excessive. If an unwise role in responding to problems that the goods once cornered him, then the crime could have occurred as an outlet to show that he was right. While exogenous factors are factors that are created from outside itself, this factor could bdikatakan quite complex and varied. Social inequality, economic kesenjang, ketidankadilan etc., are examples of the causes of crime tindan originating outside himself.

Social influence from outside of himself that for example, call a friend, pressure or threat of another party, drink alcohol and illegal drugs that made him unconscious. Economic influence in circumstances such as deprivation of basic needs, like poverty would compel someone to do evil.

The impact of the crime was not only detrimental indivdu themselves and others but will give birth to evil thesis and antithesis new crimes as well as sustainable. From the description above would need adant a formula for tackling the occurrence of acts of criminality. In konsepsial business coaching against perpetrators of crimes is to incorporate the elements associated with the criminal justice mechanism and the partition of society, antaralain;
[Improvement and strengthening of law enforcement agencies which include strengthening the organization, personnel, infrastructure, facilities, in order to accelerate the completion of criminal matters.
[The legislation serves to analyze and suppress kejehatan by considering the future.
[Mechanism of efficient and effective judiciary (satisfy the properties: fast, accurate. Cheap and simple).
[Coordination between law enforcement agencies with other government officials that are interconnected or co-exist to improve the efficiency of crime prevention.
[Participation of the community to assist the smooth implementation of crime prevention.

In addition to the above efforts, it is important that efforts be preventive or prevention, that is by road or by pressing terhadak realize the things that can lead to crime. Here, the role of religion for moral and human menutun to the right path.

One example of the human tendency to do the burglary, and robbery in some places.

From the description above can authors conclude that the crime is suati act improperly, the consequences can be detrimental to yourself, others and will give birth to new crimes. It is caused by two factors, endogenous factors that emerged from the attitude of his ego self, and exogenous factors that comes from outside himself all itru can occur from the influence of social inequality, economic inequality, injustice. As for the ways penanggulanganya improvement by the existing judicial system in our country, fast service, cheap and simple and the improvement of counseling and prevention efforts that are continuity.

Learn the importance of Information and Communication Technology

Information and Communications Technology Task Currently, the development of information and communication technologies and growing rapidly. With the progress we all can get all the information we want from the various pejuru world quickly and easily, the proof with the medium of television and the internet has been developed which we can access easily to obtain the information we want.
From the development of information and communication technology-it taste very large role in computer technology, although television also played a part in developing the world's information and communication technology but in fact the computer technology that is able to grow rapidly over time. Without the current technology, we realize that we get the more easier for us to get a real-time information and be able to make us communicate with the outside world with ease, so if you want to know once you have mastered computer technology used to study the Information and Communication Technology lesson: D

Information Technology Benefits Learning and Technology

You must understand that by studying Information and Communication Technology, computer technology.


a. A set of tools that help you work with information and perform tasks related to the informal processing.

b. Technology information is not limited to computer technology (hardware and
software) used to process and store
information, but also include sending communications technology salts
c. technology that combine computing (computer) with the lines of communication
bring high-speed data, voice and video.

So according to the conclusions of information technology is a combination of computer technology with communications technology.

Is computer technology related to computer technology, including equipment related to computers such as printers, readers and even CD sisidk finger room.

Communication technologies, or usually called a remote technology. Included in the category of technology is the telephone, radio and television.


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